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Friday, March 4, 2011
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Thursday, March 3, 2011
Introduction to Heart Rhythm Meditation
101: Introduction to Heart Rhythm Meditation
What you will learn
This entry-level course in the IAM curriculum teaches basic Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM), the method of feeling your heartbeat and synchronizing your breath to produce a rhythmically-changing heartrate. This heartrate pattern gives cardiac strength and emotional power, and makes living from the heart attainable. HRM is fundamentally unlike other kinds of meditation in both intent and technique. more
101 may be taken as either a webcourse or a live seminar. Either way, the course teaches the basic eight steps of the method, as shown in the diagram to the right.
Heart Rhythm Meditation coordinates your body's internal rhythms, producing entrainment of the heartbeat, breath and brainwaves. This makes a working connection between the mind and heart so that your emotions become understandable and your desires conscious. more
An early form of Heart Rhythm Meditation was recorded among the earliest Christians. more
IAM has updated the practice with the aid of scientific instrumentation to create the only known method for increasing Heart Rate Variability, a key measurement of cardio-vascular health. more
You will receive course materials that will summarize the main points of the method to help you recreate the experience on your own. Some of the topics we'll cover:
- A new method of breathing that will increase your mental clarity. Feel your brain light up with a surge of new energy!
- How to find your heartbeat and listen to it. The sense of well-being is immediate and exhilarating.
- How to create a rhythmic heart rate for improved heart health and a sense of peace and relaxation.
- How to harmonize the heartbeat, body pulse, breath and brain waves. This triggers a radiant emotional state that enables a heart-centered life.
Benefits You Can Bring into Your Life
You will not only learn the method of Heart Rhythm Meditation, you willlearn to apply what you've learned in your own life. You will learn to connect with your heart by synchronizing your heartbeat, your breath and your mind, and the physical sensations to look for so that you can track your own progress. We've designed these practices to be done anywhere: while sitting, walking, standing or even lying down.
By the end of this workshop, you will have tangible benefits to bring into your life. Learn how to...
- Increase Energy
- Stabilize your heartbeat
- Develop full concentration
- Make decisions with confidence
- Become more intuitive
- Function well under stress
- Restore optimism
- Develop deep and meaningful relationships
- Create lasting change
- Be guided by your heart
This is the right class for you if you aim for a lasting benefit you can take home with you and pass on to others. No previous experience in meditation is necessary.
The IAM webcourse 101W
You can learn Heart Rhythm Meditation over the Web! Build up 8 steps of the method in 8 weeks.
This is individualized instruction in meditation with advice, suggestions and answers to each participant. As of September, 2010, we have upgraded the course to include more in-depth spiritual material, scientific research studies, daily discussion through online writing (asynchronous), weekly video conferences with the teacher and all participants (synchronous), and written tests each week to validate what you've learned.
You can receive credit for this course at IAM-U if you complete the written tests satisfactorily and also pass an experiential test given in-person with an IAM certified teacher. The experiential test has a separate fee and would have to be scheduled after the webcourse is complete.
IAM was a pioneer in Internet-based meditation instruction, starting in 1998. We have shown that it's easy to learn this heart-based meditation technique from your home. But you don't do it alone - you will be supported in the process by those who are studying and practicing with you. A community of meditators results from the shared practice and the daily communication, and that helps keep you in the practice. You can feel the group meditating with you!
Your teacher has completed a rigorous training in Heart Rhythm Meditation and a specialized training in leading the webcourse.
The steps in the Webcourse are arranged as a series of rooms under the virtual Meditation Dome. Each room has learning objectives, specific instructions and materials for that step, and a new message log for writing and responding to each other. You practice the meditation daily and post messages about your experience. You can report on the meditation and it's application, ask questions, and dialogue with the group. Your teacher will post advice and responses to you in the same message log. You'll benefit from the answers to your questions and to those of the others as well. All the messages are retained in the Meditation Dome so you can review them, respond to them, and derive continued inspiration from them. As an option, you can have the messages delivered to you by email as well.
101: March 14 - May 9, 2011
Heart Rhythm Meditation, Internet
Led by Zia Moore
Get the most out of the webcourse by:
(1) doing the practice for 20 minutes twice a day, (2) getting your messages every day and (3) responding every day, if possible. (4) You will need to have a copy of the book, Living from the Heart.
Other webcourses
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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