I love these books and it's amazing really how many different times I have come across them when looking for reading books for various groups of children of mine. I was of course first introduced to them when I was a young girl myself. Then when my baby sister who was 12 years younger than me was born, I, of course being designated as having the dutiful and very helpful :O) most important job in the whole world, the big sister (DUN DUN DUH :O)), had the most important job in the world of reading to her and then as time passed helping her learn to read, which she did in lickity split time (How could you go anywhere else with great books like The Berenstain Bears as valuable learning to read tools). Then there were the numerous babysitting jobs where the homes either had the books or my mom would so tenderly pick to add to many other great and entertaining selections to pack in my babysitting bag of tricks. I had them with me throughout college as most of my curriculum was centered on early childhood education and development not to mention the numerous babysitting gigs I took on to make extra money. I ran across them again in Germany while I was employed as a nanny for an ARMY Military Intelligence Couple with a five year old daughter. Then when I had my first baby I yet again found myself at the greatest bookstore in the whole world, The Tattered Cover Bookstore in Cherry Creek, Colorado, gathering every last one of them that the store carried. I could keep going here but let's just say there were many other occasions in which I used them or came across them up until now, with my a little bit later in life baby bunch of 3 all in the midst of learning to read and everyday joys of being read to, and I imagine they'll be around for quite a while longer throughout Sunday School and Fundraisers and yet again someday when I hopefully will be blessed with many healthy grandchildren for me and my husband to read to and snuggle with at nap time. listed below are some of my favorites and with Easter being just around the corner I plan on asking the Easter Bunny to put one in their baskets for so many reasons but the biggest one of course being, to reduce the gobs and gobs of chocolates and sugary sweet treats that seem to accumulate faster than I know what to do with in a house of 5 children! It is amazing to me that it still gets in the house no matter how hard I try to keep it out and for the love of God how does it even fit with my Peeps hips, tummy, and bottom taking up most of the room in our house to begin with???:O)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
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