Unless you've been being held captive in a serial killer's basement in some remote location lately and he doesn't let you watch TV with him, you’re probably well aware of the comeback terrariums have been making lately. Terrariums seem to be popping up everywhere, from craft and design blogs to eco awareness articles and even home decor stores all over the country. The appeal in making these sweet little ecosystems lies in the minimal amount of supplies needed and the simplicity of making them. You don't have to possess super crafter extraordinaire powers like Martha Stewart to create them. They’re fun and it’s simply amazing how creative you can get while building a terrarium. All you need to start is a glass container, rocks, charcoal, soil, plants, moss, and some ornamental decorations if you like for your little garden. While purchasing all of the supplies may be a little costly at first, once you have everything you need your supplies should last for quite a while and you’ll be able to make at least a dozen or so of these amazing little gardens. I secretly purchased the necessary supplies quite a while ago and hid them away for a special time for our family to explore our creative powers, and I think this weekend just may be that special time. I think it's a great time for us to begin our adventures in green living by making terrariums. I've included several links below which I think are fascinating glimpses into all the many possibilities there are for creating your own unique style of terrarium. Good luck and most of all, have fun!
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