Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Things We Love: Terra Cotta Cazuelas
I love the warmth of terra cotta pots and bowls, and perhaps my very favorite example of this red clay cookware is the cazuela — a shallow Spanish dish that has also been thoroughly incorporated into Latin American cookware.
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Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Have you done enough to convince your New Visitors?
As I have maintained time and again, your blog subscribers, regular readers, followers and friends of your blog are the goodwill ambassadors of your blog. These are the people who comment, promote, share and spread what you write. However, when it comes to making money out of your blog content, the new visitors play a huge role.
A quick glance at your Google Analytics traffic data on visitors (New vs. Returning) will probably reveal that more than 80% of your blog visitors are absolutely new visitors. Your blogging success and sustainability really lies in converting these new hits into long term readers and associates for your online marketing success. But have you done enough to convince (and convert) them?
Types of new visitors
New readers or visitors to your blog are mostly coming out of the following sources:
- Internet search (mostly)
- Social bookmarks (sporadically)
- Reference links (again sporadically)
- Via ad campaigns (predictably)
- Word of mouth (rarely)
The first two of the above traffic sources are of interest to us as in most cases – unless you run a high budget ad campaign – they contribute to more than 90% of the fresh traffic. Now the question is ‘how do you convince and convert them into potential money or at least subscribers to your ideas?‘
The following are some of the steps that you can take in order to get the best out of your new visitors:
#1 Adding them to an email list
Well, how to increase your RSS subscribers is a stale idea. The trend nowadays is moving away from increasing RSS subscribers towards building an email list because of the following three reasons.
- Click through and conversion from RSS subscription is very poor
- Email lists are for both genuine readers and potential campaign targets
- Email list programs are well managed and can create, manage and track campaigns whereas sometimes we can’t really get hold of all your RSS subscribers
- Offer and subscribe model works well with email lists – Also a good mechanism to
Hence, building an email list throwing the right bait is one of the methods that work. Be careful not to throw your popups right on their faces as most bloggers do of late. There has to be a sensible approach towards this something like what I discussed in the MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet review.
#2 Direct sale proposal
This is something that always worked for me. The idea here is to showcase your latest deals and offers via the right plugins and scripts to show it only to your search visitors, referral visitors etc. For example, one could modify a plugin such as wp-greet box to get the best out of your new visitors without being too intrusive. The alternate option would be to use the affiliate links without causing much disturbance to the first time visitors (By the way, we have extended the $30 OFF offer on MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate Plugin till September 02, 2010)
#3 Prolong the visit time
Prolonging the per visit time is not only good for your ranks (such as Alexa) but also increases the chances of getting a long term reader. A few ideas to prolong the average stay time include:
- Having recent posts above the fold
- ‘You may be also interested in’ or ‘real related posts/topics’ linked at the end of the post
- Having an enticing commenting provision
- Throwing an interesting offer for subscribing
- …and most importantly the SEO part whereby you have to make sure that he’s landed on a page that he was actually searching for. Or in simple terms ‘be relevant’ (See #6)
#4 Comment follow up
Now, you got somebody to comment on your blog for the first time. That’s even better than a casual ‘hit and run‘ and you have to get the best out of it. A few things you can do to him will include a follow up message using a suitable plugin, or even better, have a confirm link within it to subscribe to your email list. This is something that most bloggers don’t do (including me) but it works like a charm.
#5 Easy to find/subscribe fan pages
Well, not all fan pages have really resulted in providing any immediate impact. However, they are like mouthpieces of your blogging and online activity and they can slowly replace other intrusive mechanisms like email lists. If you can provide a highly visible ‘one click join’ to these fan pages, it can do wonders for you in the future. This will also help to get hold of the laziest-of-all visitors who hate to type in anything.
#6 Declare what your blog stands for
It is a very good idea to ‘describe your blog in one or two short sentences‘ and add that as the greeting in order to assure the new visitor that the place he has just landed is the right one for him. This can actually increase the stickiness of really interested visitors. At the same time, it may not always be a good idea to add a ’subscribe to my…’ link in the greeting box.
The avoid list
Long back, I had written about those things that can rub your visitors the wrong way. Some more additions to that list will include:
- Offering worthless e-books
- Subscribe-to popups
- Offensive marketing language
- Over selling
What about the returning visitor?
Why not a ‘posts since your last visit‘ or ‘things that you missed‘ kind of bullet list? Anybody want to write such a simple plugin?
Happy blogging!
Grilled Eggplant Sandwich

I have a confession to make. I don't much care for those big globe eggplants. I have tried to like them, truly I have, but I think it's a texture thing. They just taste squishy to me. If squishy is a taste. So this last week, Hank and I have been experimenting with globe eggplants, trying to see what we could come up with that we truly liked, given the challenges of this ingredient. We've had a couple in-the-trash-it-goes experiments, and a couple of hits as well.
This grilled eggplant burger or sandwich is one of those hits. I made it again for my parents today and even my dad liked it. He had two. And he doesn't like eggplant! The only reason he came over for lunch when he heard what I was serving was that mom was coming and he didn't want to be left at home alone.
Continue reading 'Grilled Eggplant Sandwich' »
Lower Intelligence Linked to Inflammation
Inflammation is associated with lower intelligence and premature death, according to Swedish researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
“Those with low-grade inflammation performed more poorly on standardized intelligence tests, even after excluding those with signs of current illness. Inflammation also predicted an increased risk of premature death,” said lead researcher Dr. Hakan Karlsson.
When the body is healthy, chemicals from white blood cells are released in order to protect the body from any foreign substances. This process goes into action when a person is sick or sprains an ankle.
However, when this normal bodily function is sprung into overdrive—whether from exposure to toxins, allergens, stress, lack of exercise, or unhealthy eating habits—the white blood cells and their inflammatory chemicals run amok and damage the body’s tissues, causing chronic inflammation.
It is this ‘silent inflammation’ that is so dangerous, which creates chronic illness with no outward signs, and as shown in the results of this study, is even capable of lowering human intelligence.
In this study, scientists examined large population-based registers that featured data collected over many decades. Measures of intelligence and inflammation were observed in nearly 50,000 young men between the ages of 18 and 20, and their deaths over next 35 years were also recorded.
“Although we knew that inflammation associated with infection or cardiovascular disease could impair brain function, this is the first time that similar associations have been shown in healthy young people,” said Dr Karlsson. “This suggests that even low levels of inflammation can have detrimental consequences for health and brain function.”
“Since low-grade inflammation appears to be hazardous, it is also important to determine its causes,” added Dr. Karlsson. “One interesting possibility is the role of environmental factors during childhood.”
In the featured study, childhood socioeconomic status predicted the level of inflammation seen in young adulthood. For example, children of farmers had higher levels of inflammation than those whose fathers were non-manual workers.
“It’s possible that these boys were exposed to more toxins, allergens or infectious agents in childhood, leading to greater inflammation and its negative effects later in life,” said Dr. Karlsson.
Dr. Michelle Luciano, from the Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said “This is an important finding because it is the largest study to date to show that low-grade inflammation in young adulthood is associated with intelligence and mortality. An interesting question now is whether the effects of a less healthy childhood environment on inflammation persist into middle age and beyond,” she added.
There are many simple things people can do to reduce low-grade chronic inflammation in the body. Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and wild seafood and getting plenty of exercise and rest are just a few easy steps toward reducing inflammation and fostering better brain health.
This study was recently published recently in Brain, Behavior and Immunity (August,24:868–873).
"If This Kid Can Smile, So Can You (PIC)
- -3 diggs
- +1 / -4
It depends on the sort of prosthetic, what sort of amputation, and the material that the prosthetic is made of. This would be a good question for your doctor.
Transradial and transtibial prostheses typically cost between US $6,000 and $8,000. Transfemoral and transhumeral prosthetics cost approximately twice as much with a range of $10,000 to $15,000 and can sometimes reach costs of $35,000. The cost of an artificial limb does recur because artificial limbs are usually replaced every 3-4 years due to wear and tear. In addition, if the artificial limb has fit issues, the limb must be replaced within several months. The i-Limb hand, manufactured by Touch Bionics of Scotland, went on sale on 18 July 2007 in Britain for £8,500 (U.S. $17,454)
A Double Dose of Reality
RGE EconoMonitors
EconoMonitors feature insight exchanges between Nouriel Roubini, his team of RGE analysts and over 450 contributors representing many of the world's leading economic thinkers.
The RGE Blogosphere:
Nouriel Roubini | RGE Analysts | Global Macro
Finance and Markets | Emerging Markets
United States | Asia | Europe | Latin America
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Could Cleaning Products Increase Your Risk of Cancer?
Do Supplements Really Promote Mental Health?
Indoor Garden Plants | Makeover a Corner of your Room | Real Simple
Turn an unremarkable spot into a beautiful, inviting haven."
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thursday Threes Green Tips

Eating Out: When eating out whether you are just running errands or have a dinner date or are traveling on the road, choose one of the restaurants listed on this great site, dinegreen.com where each restaurant listed is certified by the Green Restaurant Association. This association requires establishments to have full scale recycling programs in place.
Gift Bag Ideas: Buying gift bags can really get costly by the time you purchase all the personal touches that make your presentation special. It also can be very wasteful where a great deal of recyclable materials end up in the garbage can. Instead, why not try this. Use plain brown bags and decorate them with construction paper, ribbon, fabric, and whatever else you may have just lying around in your craft stations or office drawers, closets, etc. These not only are great fun to make but also make a very special and warm gift to give the recipient from your heart! And they are so much less expensive so you save money as well.
Green Traveling: There are many websites out there popping up that offer residents resources to start a carpool or to hook up with other people looking to conserve energy and are interested in finding a travel mate. One such website that I became aware of recently is in Oklahoma called The Green Traveler Website. They are very much willing to help point you in the right direction by suggesting some other links more relevant to your location. They also have great bus deals on the Ozone Alert Days as do many cities out there nowadays.
We hope these tips help you in your green journey or adventures and look forward to seeing you again.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A new fun project for the kids...

Cool Healthy Chia Cocoa Kisses
¼ c Ch-Ch-Ch- Chia™ Chia Seeds½ c brown rice syrup
½ c honey
1 c organic peanut butter or almond butter
1 c pepitas
1 c almonds
½ c sesame seeds
½ c sunflower seeds
½ c coconut
½ c cocoa powder
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Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Making pickles for surviving a zombie apocalypse
Lazy housewife pickles
Courtesy of
Jackie Clay
4 qts. small cucumbers
1 cup dry mustard
1 cup sugar
1 cup salt
1 gallon vinegar
Wash the cucumbers, then pack them in glass jars. Mix the mustard, sugar, and salt together, then add the vinegar slowly, stirring well. Pour this over the pickles and seal the jars. Let the jars stand for at least a week in the refrigerator before using. The brine is not heated. Makes 4 qts.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Terrariums are a great beginning!

Unless you've been being held captive in a serial killer's basement in some remote location lately and he doesn't let you watch TV with him, you’re probably well aware of the comeback terrariums have been making lately. Terrariums seem to be popping up everywhere, from craft and design blogs to eco awareness articles and even home decor stores all over the country. The appeal in making these sweet little ecosystems lies in the minimal amount of supplies needed and the simplicity of making them. You don't have to possess super crafter extraordinaire powers like Martha Stewart to create them. They’re fun and it’s simply amazing how creative you can get while building a terrarium. All you need to start is a glass container, rocks, charcoal, soil, plants, moss, and some ornamental decorations if you like for your little garden. While purchasing all of the supplies may be a little costly at first, once you have everything you need your supplies should last for quite a while and you’ll be able to make at least a dozen or so of these amazing little gardens. I secretly purchased the necessary supplies quite a while ago and hid them away for a special time for our family to explore our creative powers, and I think this weekend just may be that special time. I think it's a great time for us to begin our adventures in green living by making terrariums. I've included several links below which I think are fascinating glimpses into all the many possibilities there are for creating your own unique style of terrarium. Good luck and most of all, have fun!
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